The Dream

Man...woke up with the scariest dream....
Everything felt so real...
But what spoiled it,
Was the music...
Which kind of like to give the impact...

Here's how it goes...
I was in a pool..
Kids' pool i think..
Because the pool is half filled...
Just for a regular swim..
With a girl...(Only God Knows Who)
There was a lot of people shouting...
Enjoying themselves...

There's a little girl...
Just at the side with the mother...
Getting ready to dunk in..
Just asked me this question...

What are the tubes at the side
Of the pool for?
So I told her that it is used..
To release excessive water...

When suddenly...
Water began to rise...
HUGE waves started to come...
Causing the "girl", the little girl and me...
to be swiped away...
We were all at the side...
My hands were full...
Right hand holding tight to the "girl"
Left hand holding on to the side...
And i was using my body to prevent the..
Little girl from falling into the pool..

People were screaming for help...
Wave after waves...
It gets bigger...
Really big....
And I could feel power of the water...
sucking me into the waves...

And it was strenuous holding the "girl"
But at times like this...
Who cares?!?
So i pulled her in..
And put my hands around her..
So that she is secured...
As time and time again...
Tons of water just splash above...
my head...
Really hurts...
And it was energy draining...
And i could feel fear in my heart...
Feeling like my life is gonna end...

Not long after...
Waves stop...
At that time...
I didn't know that...
I was clinging on to a railing...
So when i tried to bring my head above water...
The pool was already filled up..
The number of people in the pool lessened...
Didn't want to think of what happened to them...
The little girl was safe, brought her up...
So did the "girl"...

At the point when i brought myself up...
I saw a couple..
The lady went up first...
At that point of time when...
Her spouse was about to get up..
He stopped...
He didn't struggle..
He just stopped at the moment..
Near the steps...

The lady kept shouting to ask him...
To come out...
He shouted back " IM TRYING!"
Strangely he didn't move...

Moments later...
Now here is the freaky part...
His head just dropped...(with the epic music,Spoiled the reality)
And then he just remain there...
Like a corpse...

I was scared...
Really scared...
First time to see a "dead person"...
And i ran away to find the "girl"
At the entrance...
Then i woke up in shock...

Kinda scary eh?
I felt cold when i woke up...
Well just wanted to put up this story...
Its morning...
How much action can there be...
Well many times my dreams has been like movies...
Really cool...
But scary....

Signing off

Straight to your heart...


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